How to Read My Bill

Sample bill with specific areas marked
Marked area in How to Read My Bill image Description
Letter A Easily reach your independent insurance agent by finding their phone number here.
Letter B In the “Transactions Since Last Invoice” section, you will see payments, billing activity as a result of policy adjustments, or in this case, the renewal premium that was just processed.
Letter C This “Account Summary” section will give you an overview of your account with us, along with an itemized breakout of the Minimum Due. Transaction Fees will include the sum of all fees applied to your account, as listed on the back of your invoice. (Note: In this example, “Transaction Fee” and “Installment Fee” above are the same item.)
Letter D See your account activity at a glance in this section. “Prior Balance” indicates the balance which was due on the last invoice. “Payments” provides the total of all payments received during the previous billing cycle. “Transactions” shows the total of all billing activity during the previous billing cycle related to policy changes (if you add or remove a car, for example). “Paid In Full” is the grand total balance for all policies on this account number. The “Minimum Due” is the amount due on or before the due date and includes your minimum premium payment plus any fees which may be due. The “Due Date” is the date payment must be received in our office in order to avoid cancellation and assessment of related fees.